Business and Finance Careers Day
Our Level 3 BTEC Business and Financial Studies students had the incredible opportunity to participate in our Business and Finance Careers Day, which included a range of guest speakers, interviews, activities, and presentations from a wide array of different businesses, entrepreneurs and universities.
The sessions were run by The Canal River Trust, Econominds, Salford University, Nonsensical Agency, National Express, Gunning Marketing, and many more. The aim of the day was to catalyse our students’ ideas on careers and their career goals while enlightening them with information on careers they may have never considered before.
Our Work Experience Manager, Trina, talked to our first-year cohort about work experience week and the multitude of opportunities available to them. Our second-year students engaged in talks with Roxanne, a fashion designer, and Fairfield Enterprise, which gave them new ideas and a fresh perspective on things that they were already doing.
Our students fully engaged with the day, swapping information with business owners and asking them in-depth questions. Econominds’ representative asked our students to fill out a survey to give feedback on her session, and 90% of the students in that session said they left the talk feeling motivated.
The day as a whole was about our students making connections, getting inspired, and gaining a further understanding of how to achieve their own goals.
Anna (Gunning Marketing) gave our students advice on marketing and different career paths within marketing. She commented, “The students were very engaged and thoughtful. I was impressed with how JCC brings in external people to support career paths into Business Studies.” One of our students, Sohaib, participated in this talk and said, “She really helped me with the information she provided. She shed light on what marketers do and the things you can expect to face as a marketer. Overall, it was an inspiring talk.”
Louis, from the University of Law, also joined us and gave an incredible talk. Louis stated that “JCC has been great, and we’re hoping to gain some students from them.” After his talk, a student of ours expressed that “He was very helpful and helped me realise that there are so many opportunities and jobs out there.”
Oliver, from Nonsensical Agency, spoke to our students about his journey into an unexpected career path. He told us that “It was great to speak with the students at JCC who were all super engaged and attentive while I took them through my journey from landing my dream job in investment management to realising it wasn’t actually for me and how I’ve ended up co-founding a TikTok agency. We talked about the lessons I learned and some practical tips for the students to consider as they navigate their first jobs or launch their own businesses.” After Oliver’s talk, one student commented that he motivated the students in the class and taught them “not to be scared of taking risks in life.”
Overall, it was an incredible day that enhanced our students’ motivation to progress onto their chosen career paths and even opened up new doors for them. Thank you to all of our staff and students who were involved in the day, with a special thank you to one of our incredible Business Studies teachers, Molly, for organising the event, and another big thank you to all of the guest speakers that gave inspiring talks and motivated our students further.