Sean Andrews, from the London Institute of Banking and Finance, was delighted to present Joseph Chamberlain College’s students with certificates for achieving grade As in Financial Studies last year. Each student also received a £500 scholarship award for any of their degree programmes at their University in London. In total, eight students in year one and seven students in year two achieved grade As with scholarships. To gain an A grade in Financial Studies is a fantastic achievement; the college is very proud of these students and is looking forward to their trip to London in February next year.
Arsha, a former Financial Studies student at the college, said, “Doing Financial Studies this year was amazing. We received a lot of support from Monara, who helped us achieve high grades throughout the year.”
Aaminah added, “Financial Studies was my favourite subject; I was supported throughout it by Monara. She is an incredible teacher, and I couldn’t have achieved an A without her. I am really proud of achieving the scholarship.”