JCC logo. Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College

Website Accessibility Statement


Accessibility Statement for Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College

This Accessibility Statement applies to the website for Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College and every page that can be found within it. The website’s homepage can be found here: https://www.jcc.ac.uk/ and all other pages can be accessed from the homepage.

This website is run by Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College. Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. Due to this, we have weaved the Recite Me Accessibility Toolbar into the website. This toolbar allows users to change many things on the website to suit their needs. For example, that means you will be able to:

  • Play audio. Using the rewind and skip buttons, you will be able to move between paragraphs, and with the play button, you will be able to have the text read aloud to you.
  • Customise the text to suit your needs. Using the minus button, you can decrease the text size. Using the plus button, you can increase the text size. Using the font button, you can change the font that appears on the website page to suit your needs, as well as alter line height and character spacing.
  • Change colour. Using the colour wheel button, you are able to change the background, text, and link colours to suit your needs.
  • Use a reading ruler to aid in reading across lines.
  • Use a screen mask. This will create a letterbox and hide certain portions of the page for easier, more focused viewing of a section of the page.
  • Use a dictionary, meaning you can highlight and click on a word to find the definition.
  • Click the translate button to translate text into a multitude of other languages.
  • Use the magnifying button to create a virtual magnifying glass. You can then click and drag the virtual magnifying glass to enlarge the text on the screen.
  • Use text mode. This removes images and allows you to view the website in plain text mode.
  • After enabling text mode, you can change the text dimensions by narrowing the width of the text column.
  • Download text as audio. Highlight the text that you wish to download as audio, and click the download button to download the text as an audio file.
  • Change Recite Me’s settings. This includes turning autoplay on or off, turning the tooltip that appears when you hover on or off, and turning continuous audio playback on or off to suit your preferences. You change the voice style and the reading speed, as well as access Recite Me’s User Guide.
  • Reset all settings. Clicking the reset button will restore everything to default settings.
  • Access Recite Me’s User Guide, which will give you an overview of the Recite Me Toolbar’s features.

There are also things you can do without the Recite Me Toolbar to aid with accessibility; you will be able to:

  • Zoom in up to 400% without text spilling off the screen.
  • Navigate the website using just a keyboard.

We have also made every effort to make the website text as simple as possible to understand without affecting the meaning.

AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.


How accessible this website is

We are aware that some parts of this website are not fully accessible:

  • We have made every effort to make the text in ODT documents as simple as possible to understand without affecting the meaning. However, it is still possible that some of the text is still complex. In this instance, we can be contacted and will explain anything in further detail.
  • Some content cannot be skipped over when using a screen reader.
  • Some of our colour combinations are not accessible before activating Recite Me.


Feedback and contact information

If you need any information on this website in a different format, such as large print, easy read, audio recording, or braille, please:


  • Call us at 0121 446 2200

We will consider your request and get back to you within 14 days.


Reporting accessibility problems with the website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please email our Marketing department at accessibility@jcc.ac.uk with information about the issue.


Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)


Contacting us by phone

If you have any disability and find any of our content to be non-accessible or would like further information, please ring us at 0121 446 2200.


Technical information about this website’s accessibility

Joseph Chamberlain College is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.


Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances and exemptions listed below.


Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

  • Our PDF documents are currently non-compliant with WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (PDF), WCAG 2.4.2 Page titled (PDF), and WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (PDF documents do not have correctly marked tables). This includes our Sport Fixtures Timetable which is found on our Sports page. We intend to rectify these PDF non-compliances by November 2025.
  • Some of our privacy notices and our Financial Statements also contain complex language that is integral to understanding the documents and some of them are not fully accessible. We intend to rectify this and make each privacy notice accessible by November 2025.
  • Currently, some of the colour combinations on our website are not accessible. This would involve changing our brand identity, but we intend to have every colour combination on the website accessible by November 2025.
  • Some of our policies contain complex language that is integral to understanding the documents and some of them are not fully accessible. We intend to rectify this and make each policy accessible by the dates listed below:

– 16-19 Student Financial Support Policy for 2024/2025: November 2025

–  Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance Policy: November 2025

–  Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Strategy 2023-2024: November 2025

–  Complaints Policy: November 2025

–  Equality and Diversity Annual Report for 2022-23: November 2025

– Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan: November 2025

– Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy: November 2025

– Health, Safety and Welfare Policy 2024: November 2025

– Inclusive Learning Support Policy: November 2025

– Joseph Chamberlain College Annual Accountability Statement 2024: November 2025

– Prevent Strategy Risk Assessment and Action Plan: November 2025

– Safeguarding Policy: November 2025

– Student Bullying & Harassment Policy: November 2025

– Subcontracting Policy 2024-2025: November 2025

Disproportionate burden

  • On our “Explore Our College” page, having undertaken manual testing, we found that the 360° Virtual Tours are not fully accessible. We conducted our own disproportionate burden assessment, considering the size of the team needed, the amount of resources required, and the cost to make the existing tours accessible. We believe that it would be a disproportionate burden within the meaning of the accessibility regulations, to undertake the work necessary to make these accessible at this time. We are committed to using our resources to ensure that the planned 23/24 360° Virtual Tours are accessible in their design, and ready for launch November 2025.


Content that’s not within the scope of the accessibility regulations

  • The banner image of a map and the integrated map on our Contact page are not accessible using Recite Me or other screen readers. We do not plan to make these accessible as they are exempt from meeting the accessibility regulations. The key information from the map can still be accessed on the same page.
  • We occasionally link to third-party websites. Their content is neither funded nor developed by, nor under the control of Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College. As such, we cannot guarantee the accessibility of their content and recommend viewing their accessibility statement should you access the third-party’s website.
  • Similarly to the above, the documents on our Public Tender page (Namely JCC – ICT Managed Service – Initial Selection Questions (FTS) PDF and JCC – ICT Managed Service – Initial Selection Questions (FTS) Word Document) are not fully accessible and cannot be made accessible as they are not developed, nor under the control of Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College.
  • Our Financial Statements (found here: https://www.jcc.ac.uk/information/governance/) are unable to be made fully accessible as we have to comply with the template provided by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and the Post 16 Audit Code of Practice. All tables found within the Financial Statements are replicated from the template. These statements have also been prepared under the Statement of Recommended Practice: Accounting for Further and Higher Education 2019 (the 2019 FE HE SORP), the College Accounts Direction for 2022/23 and in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102—the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (FRS102), and thus, are unable to be made fully accessible.


What we’re doing to improve accessibility

  • We are planning to revise the 360° Virtual Tours On our Explore Our College page to make them accessible in the future, and we have set a deadline of November 2025 to make them fully accessible.
  • We are planning to make the language in each policy simpler and easy to understand. We plan to achieve this with each policy at each of their respective review dates.


Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 15/03/2023. It was last reviewed on 15/03/2024. We will review this statement again in March 2025.

This website was last tested on 15/03/2024. The test was completed in-house by Joseph Chamberlain College staff. Each page of the website was manually tested to ensure compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. These manual tests included:

  • Using Recite Me’s screen reader function to ensure each page responds to a screen reader as intended.
  • Navigating each page using a keyboard to ensure that everything can be accessed using a keyboard.
  • Testing various colour combinations to ensure compliance and manually locating/fixing each non-compliance.
  • Manually checking/fixing each downloadable document against gov.uk’s guidance on publishing accessible documents to ensure compliance.
  • Manually zooming each page to 400% to ensure that content reflows to fit the page and that nothing is lost.
  • Manually locating each video on the website to add a pause button.
  • Manually finding and adding alternative text to each image or marking them as decorative if used solely for decorative purposes.
  • Testing our updated keyboard focus on all parts of the website to ensure visibility on all focused elements of the website.
  • Manually locating each link on the website and adding discernible and descriptive text to ensure accessibility when using a screen reader and to ensure the user knows where the link will take them.

In addition to the above manual tests, the Web2Access Audit Tool was also used to assist with finding non-compliances.