Our Partnership With Parents and Carers
At Joseph Chamberlain College, we know that students need to be given independence and take responsibility for their own learning, to prepare them for their future at university or in employment. We have very high expectations of all of our students, and our staff have high expectations of each other.
Though we emphasise independent learning to all of our students, our partnership with parents and carers is an important part of making sure your child succeeds. While students are given independence and responsibility for their own learning in order to prepare them for their future, we provide this freedom in a very supportive context with close monitoring and guidance. We believe that, as parents and carers, it is of the utmost importance that you are kept fully informed about your child’s progress at Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College.
We will keep you informed of your child’s progress throughout the year through a variety of methods, including Parents’ Progress Evenings (where you can discuss your child’s performance with their teachers) and Progress Reports. You can also keep up to date with our News and Events online.
To ensure you are fully aware of your child’s academic performance, we ask that you keep in contact with Personal Progress Tutors, report case of absences and do not go away on holiday in term time. We also ask that you support us in helping your child find the right balance between having a social life, employment and their studies.
Over your child’s time at our College, we will be striving to help them reach their full potential. Your child will be part of a special community where they feel challenged, supported and are proud to be an ambassador for Joseph Chamberlain College. Our past students have been successful in developing the confidence and self-belief along with an academic record to prepare them for their future, whether it be in Higher Education or employment. By us developing a close relationship with you, together we can ensure that your child can look forward to reaching their full potential.
Tony Day